“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”

— Albert Einstein

  • Acupuncture.

    Acupuncture restores harmony by accessing the pathways of energy that flow throughout the body to signal your systems of health back into balance. These pathways were originally mapped by Daoist practitioners thousands of years ago through a process of inner alchemy that was inspired by what they experienced in the natural world around them. Needle therapies such as acupuncture are gentle and effective with a storied history and proven track record.

  • Herbal Formulation.

    Addressing anything from chronic disease to menstrual irregularities to the common cold, the sophistication and effectiveness of ancient herbal medicine can transform your state of health in powerful ways. Elegantly balanced herbal formulas have the power to work effectively without toxic side effects. Using only the highest quality herbs free of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, preservatives, dyes, yeasts, and added sugars; herbal medicine can be effective in treating both minor and major disease.

  • Moxibustion.

    Moxa, known as mugwort in the west, is pure vital force energy. When burned, it produces an analogue to the energetic frequency of the sun’s rays and calls forth the archetypal energy that courses through our solar system and gives spark to our life force. This medicine works to nourish the most primal energy that exists within you and tonifies all functional aspects of your physiology. Moxibustion can help you feel good immediately as it is a powerful agent in relieving pain and strengthening the body.

  • Cupping.

    The time-honored practice of cupping draws toxicity out of the body through vasopneumatic devices as well as warm negative pressure created by fire-warmed glass cups. Especially great for stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling as if a heavy burden were lifted from your being. A gentle approach with cupping is often most effective for the majority of patients, leaving only minimal and temporary marks that clear up within a few days.

  • Gua Sha.

    Gua Sha is the practice of scraping the body with materials such as stone, metal, antlers, or other hard substances in order to move stagnation and release toxins. It can be used to improve lymphatic circulation and bring new healthy blood to the skin, in orthopedic treatments for soft tissue stimulation, in treating colds & flus by releasing toxicity, and in psycho-emotional healing to move stuck energies.

  • Tui Na.

    Tui Na is an ancient form of Chinese therapeutic bodywork that literally translates to “push and grasp.” This means intuitively guided hands on your body working out stress & stagnation and making gentle postural corrections, typically performed after acupuncture. Tui Na is exceptionally potent healing medicine as it is a perfect complement to the work done by the needles.

  • Frequency Oscillation Resonance.

    The entire Universe takes its form by aligning itself according to the energetic frequencies it experiences—this is what makes up reality as you know it. As a human, you are a frequency oscillator that gives off a repeating wavelength which can then resonate with other frequency oscillators and create a highly sensitized attunement to healing potentials. This potential is recognized in wisdom traditions from the Buddhist Om to the Bible and is accessed through shared intention applied synergistically with altered electric, magnetic, or acoustic fields.

  • Mind Releasement + Integration.

    This process has been developed by Dr. Jaime over the past nine years to help patients move out of old patterns and into sovereign lives without outside influences. Utilizing communication with the cavernous inner layers of the psyche, Mind Releasement + Integration can provide life-changing outcomes. Modalities such as acupuncture, moxibustion, and stone medicine work conjunctively to facilitate the deeper work necessary for successful therapeutic results.

  • Stone Medicine.

    Daoist inspired stone medicine is the use of everything from crystal energetics to gemstone elixirs and more. East Asian medicine has embraced the use of stones for healing since ancient times and other cultures such as the Celts used stones in their medicinal practices & spiritual rites as well. Virtually every stone on the planet has been mapped out by ancient lineages of healers, describing clinical properties that will help move and balance energy.

  • Facial Regeneration.

    Facial regeneration is the art of treating the face—the house of all our sensory portals and direct access to our brains—with gentle tools & needles to help heal the entire body. The face is a microcosm of the body meaning we can access various aspects of health by addressing tension points and unique facial lines. This is an excellent complement to traditional acupuncture as well as a healthy alternative to neurotoxic pharmaceutical procedures. Therapeutic facial oils are made in-house with green tea oil, ginseng, and other organic ingredients.

  • Liniments & Balms.

    Handmade herbal liniments and balms deliver therapeutic plant & mineral energetics on a topical level. They can immediately address pain by penetrating deeply into the physical and energetic channels of your body, and also work to promote long term healing benefits through lessening inflammation and promoting healthy tissue regeneration. These are all made in-house by hand using traditional processes that take up to a year or more.

  • Breathwork.

    The average person takes about 600 million breaths in a lifetime. The ancients had the point of view that you could take these breaths in rapid succession and quicken your time on earth, or you could slow them down and live a longer, more tranquil life. Guided breathing serves to retrain the lungs to slowly and fully ease the life source in and out of the body. This process allows for the parasympathetic nervous system to take hold, fostering an often much needed reset.