By following the way of the natural world, we realign with the original source energy that continually creates everything from the incredibly intricate complexities of a liver cell to the soul-stirring beauty of a temperate rainforest ecosystem.
Holistic medicine—healing informed by and in alignment with your whole self, whole community, whole planet, and outward—is an attunement with ecological coherence. Every therapeutic action from within this living system of medical knowledge is a reflection of nature just as the ecosystem that is your body, mind, and spirit is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosmic whole. Health from this standpoint means synchronization with the biorhythms of the natural world and realizing the potential of the underlying current of healing that courses throughout the cosmos including every cell of your body. This taps into the greater harmonic resonance of your natural self, family, community, biome, planet, and beyond. The core of your being is seeking this alchemical upgrade every moment of every day, and the natural healing process means fostering the flow of the innate healing power you possess within.
Dr. Jaime has identified eight steps to health that are elegantly simple due to their inherent natural congruence. These steps are a means of journeying back to the way of the Nature that you were born of. It is a process that harmoniously intersects and simultaneously honors religion and philosophy alike as it is based on ancient teachings from thousands of years of witnessing Creation and following its lead. Every step is meant for you to feel better and better, without harmful side effects. The very fabric of reality—Nature itself—wants to help you to live the rich, beautiful life that you were meant to live.
Eight Holistic Steps to Health
1. Consultation
Treatment begins with an in-depth consultation with Dr. Jaime to identify areas of imbalance, painting a clear constellation of your life picture including conditions such as inflammatory autoimmune, digestive issues, circulatory problems, menstrual irregularities, body pains, mental-emotional traumas, chronic infections such as Lyme disease, and many of the other mystery illnesses that patients often have trouble finding help with when using standard western medicine. This is a deep dive into your bio-psychosocial history, figuring out your “why” for healing and exploring topics from family dynamics to environmental toxin exposure to past illnesses, surgeries, and medications.
2. Body—Mind—Spirit Therapies
You will receive hands-on therapy in a soothing environment with a variety of modalities that reset your nervous system and signal your body’s innate intelligence to begin its healing process. These therapies include acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal liniments, stone medicine, essential oils, healing frequencies, hot/cold applications, and other modes of restoring balance in your bio-electromagnetic pathways that regulate your immune system, mood, pain response, and all physiological functions. These treatments are additionally a potent space for learning how to bring peace of mind to your daily life, as well as connect to your highest purpose as a human.
3. Herbal Prescriptions
Herbal medicine has a rich history throughout Appalachia and the rest of the world because—as all pharmaceutical chemists well know—plants are powerful. At Mountain Over Earth you will be prescribed proven herbal formulas specific to your personal health goals that are crafted by vetted natural apothecaries with clean, natural products in mind every step of the way. These formulas are based off healing practices that are thousands of years old and work to remove toxins, increase cellular regeneration, and improve vitality. Only the highest quality products are used and none contain any sort of pharmaceuticals or industrialized ingredients.
4. Nutritional Counseling
Toxic, ultra-processed food and industrial pharmaceuticals are two of the greatest contributors to metabolic dysfunction, impairing cellular activities which are the very basis of good health. Good, healthy food is one of humanity's greatest sources of enjoyment and fellowship. Your metabolic reconfiguration grocery list will consist of fresh, whole foods that are free of chemicals and ultra-processed ingredients. This step will involve reviewing your current eating habits and making specific changes for your constitution to restore health by removing toxins and providing the nourishment your body needs.
5. Reducing Toxic Load
Everyday products from deodorant to toothpaste to laundry detergent to even the materials used in clothing can contain substances that are continually taxing your immune system. Fortunately, there is a better way. Patients consistently report objectively measured improvements when they begin using shampoo without sodium lauryl sulfate or add an air purifier to their home. Part of your healing process is going to be learning how you are able to change to a lifestyle that is supporting your health, rather than hindering it. This step can feel overwhelming due to the toxicity of modern life in general. You’ll take one step at a time and feel better and better.
6. Breathing, Moving, Stretching
Here you will learn ways to jumpstart your kinetic revitalization in ways that give you joy and combat everything from heart disease to diabetes to depression to Alzheimer's and other brain-related disorders. This can come in the form of daily practices from yoga to yard work to regularly playing with the kids or grandkids. The key is creating a life for you that is moderately active throughout your days and giving yourself a daily bout of mildly vigorous exercise through brisk walking or another enjoyable activity. Full, rich breathing is an important component of this step, and is facilitated by a retraining of your modern mind to steadily draw fresh air deeply into your lungs.
7. Rewilding
You will be coached on ways to integrate yourself back into nature such as exposing yourself to natural sunlight first thing in the morning, changing your light bulbs to warmer color temperatures that reflect natural circadian rhythms, implementing regenerative sleep habits, exchanging actual subatomic particles with soil & trees through forest bathing, cleaning stagnant inside air that doesn't benefit from natural air exchange, eating during times of day that align with your biology, activating mitochondrial vigor through exposure to the elements, changing from a sedentary lifestyle to one that is even just mildly active throughout the day, and much more.
8. Results
It is Dr. Jaime's mission to send you off having experienced meaningful and measurable results that include less pain, more energy, improved mood, better sleep, and a new outlook on life. This medicine is results-driven, wherein you walk away having accomplished cellular level changes that have rippled throughout your body as well as learned ancient ways of being that are conducive for living a full, embodied life as a real human. If you have felt like something has been off with the status quo narrative that has been offered to you and known inside that true healing is deeper and more beautiful than what the western medical industrial complex has to offer, then working with this medicine is for you.
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”
— Joseph Campbell