Qi Is The Commander Of Blood

Your thoughts create your reality.

The saying goes in Chinese Medicine: “Qi is the commander of blood. Blood is the mother of qi.” Qi is referring to all things energetic, blood to the physical. In a nutshell what it is saying is that the physical creates substrate for the energetic to exist and the energetic animates and directs the physical. This notion has become more popularized recently with the idea that your thoughts create your reality.

So qi is your thoughts, blood is your body. Your thoughts command your body. Your thoughts create your physical existence. This can be seen in profound examples such as the elderly martial arts master who can effortlessly topple a younger, stronger opponent. But perhaps you can see it in some fairly common health conditions as well.

Irritable bowel syndrome comes to mind. This condition is caused primarily by emotional upset (qi) which wreaks havoc in the bowels (blood). Anorexia is another example. The person thinks they are overweight (qi) which causes them to waste away (blood). Even a rash in Chinese Medicine can be caused by stagnate repetitive thoughts (qi) building up heat in the body that expresses through the skin (blood).

But it can work the other way as well. Our thoughts don’t have to cause disease. This week I had a new patient who came in for an extended appointment to do a full health history and intake. While taking her pulse I noticed that after about ten seconds it changed, dramatically. Any practitioner will tell you that the pulse changes as you take it. This is normal. But this patient’s pulse did a complete 180 in a matter of seconds. I finished taking the pulse and she proclaimed something to the effect of: “I used yoga to change my pulse so you would get a good read.”

Qi is the commander of blood!

Create your Matrix. Be your best Neo.

You’ll notice in my health & wellbeing plans I create for you that I will always touch on various ways to adjust your thought patterns. One almost ubiquitous addition to my recommendations is to practice improving the way you look at yourself. This comes from the idea that the number one most powerful effect on your “qi” is human interaction. Well, who do you interact with more than yourself?

If the number one most powerful effect on your qi is human interaction, if the person you interact with the most is yourself, and if those interactions are going to most powerfully dictate our physical reality, then it follows that healthy, loving interaction with ourselves should be one of our utmost priorities.

What are the implications of this for blood pressure health, prostate issues, cancer, or really any malady at all? Big, is what they are. Your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts create your health.

This knowledge can be used in so many different ways and I am here as your practitioner to help you create the thought patterns that will improve your health and your life.

Just a few quick examples.

  • If you have high blood pressure, visualize your heart calming and your vessels clearing and relaxing.

  • If you have a tumor, visualize it dissolving.

  • If you have a swollen prostate, visualize your vitality strengthening and your prostate consolidating back to its healthy form.

No matter what the dis-ease, we find the ease and that is the new thought pattern.

Most of all, do this: ask yourself, why do I want to heal? When you get the answer to that, you have created a new possible future for yourself. For example, that answer could be, “I want to heal because I want to be able to play with my grandchildren,” or, “I want to heal because I want to be able to have the energy to attend a full day of classes in my degree program.” Hold on to that answer, hold on to that future. It is your new North Star. Allow the “qi” that is your answer to command the “blood” that is your new physical reality of health.

See you at your next appointment.



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